Best Wine Shirts to Buy
Are you looking for the best wine shirt to wear or give as a gift? If you want to showcase your enthusiasm towards wine to others, there’s no better choice than getting an article of clothing that tells everyone exactly how you feel about this intoxicating beverage.
You might even end up making a couple of wine-loving friends along the way. A wine shirt with a quirky message can turn out to be a handy icebreaker when it comes to starting a conversation. Being a fan of wine is, at the end of the day, a lot more than just having a drink you like. Slowly but surely wine becomes a part of your daily routine and lifestyle as well. So why not treat yourself to one of these wine shirts with an adorable message that commemorates one of your favorite habits?
With that in mind, we put together a list of the 10 best wine shirts. So we don’t end up repeating ourselves with each of the ten entries, we know that you’re here to see how entertaining the messages on the shirt’s designs are, so we’d like to note beforehand that most of these come in wide variety of colors and sizes along with quality material And considering that at least one of these will have a punch-line that catches your attention, there’s no reason to hesitate getting one, whether it’s for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones and friends.
Click on the shirt name to see current prices. Please note, this post contains Amazon links. If you love a tee shirt and buy it through our link, we may receive a small marketing fee. Enjoy!
1. Just Add Wine
This custom "batik" wine shirt is our favorite of all the wine shirts listed. Batik is wearable art. Each shirt is handmade using the ancient process of waxing and dying. That means the quality is unmatched. The "Just Add Wine" message makes it clear you love the juice. Wear this shirt proudly when you head out wine tasting or to your favorite local wine bar. The dark blue color does a nice job hiding any little spills!
If you like the style, we can custom make shirts to your preferences. Just send us an email and let us know what you want on your wine shirt!
Love this wine shirt | Order Here
2. May Contain Wine
At this point, wine has simply ascended from being just a part of your daily routine, but a permanent part of your body, at all times. Let the people know about your achievement and dedication, because why not?
3. Will Work For Wine
You’ve realized that your basic need for this beverage just can’t be sustained by your wallet alone as it is now, so this fun little message will not only be a quirky addition to your wardrobe, but also a potential advertisement on the off chance that someone hears your call for help and offers you another job. You just never know.
4. It's Not A Hangover, It's Wine Flu
We've all had one of those mornings. Why not just tell it like it is with this hilarious wine shirt. When your red wine hangover is matching the worst flu symptoms possible, at least you'll get a smile from some friendly faces. We know you may want to bundle up when you are feeling this bad, that's why there is a long sleeve wine shirt for those occasions.
5. They Whine I Wine 
This one is for the carefree, relaxed individual that knows how to handle the burden of daily stress while also keeping their cool. Wine only helps your calm personality shine through, of course. It might also be mostly thanks to the wine, now that you think about it.
6. I Go Both Ways Red And White T-Shirt
In the end, it’s an unavoidable fact that red wine always seems to be stealing the spotlight from white. You, on the other hand, have the capacity to split your wine-loving equally to both sides, without playing favorites. Acceptance and inclusion are important to you, for both wine and people, so let the world know!
7. I Like Wine And Maybe Like 3 People T-Shirt
Sometimes, wine is just a better friend than an actual, human friend. Wine doesn’t complain and it is there to help you out whenever you need it. Let others know about your love of wine while also making those few individuals that you do like feel all the more special!
8. Wine A Little, Laugh A Lot T-Shirt
If this message rings close to you, it’s simply a good sum up of your lifestyle. It’s fun and shows that you’re here to keep the good vibes around, along with some good wines as well. You just like to laugh and drink. It’s straightforward and to the point.
9. I Need A Wine That Pairs With Crazy Family T-Shirt
A shirt that celebrates the one solution to the everyday family-related stress: good old wine. Let your family know exactly how you feel about them! This also makes a great gift for any wine lovers you know who have crazy families. And let's be honest, who doesn't have a crazy family. With this wine shirt, there are no secrets.
10. A Balanced Diet Means Wine In Both Hands
Ah, it’s yet another great way to showcase dedication and love towards wine. It’s a great way to lose weight, probably. Don’t quote us on that though, just believe it!
Bonus Wine T-Shirt Alert: When You can't decide how much wine you need
For when you are fed up and can't decide how much wine you need to get over it. This shirt does a great job expressing what many of us wine lovers feel in moments of stress. Now you don't have to say anything. Let the funny wine tee shirt do the talking!
Click Here | See Current Prices
That brings us to the finishing line of our list of the best wine t-shirts, and we sincerely hope that you liked some of these! There’s a different sense of humor that appeals to everyone, so if you think that we’ve missed some of the good ones out there on Amazon, feel free to let us know, we could’ve missed them.