What You Should Know About Different Types of Wooden Wine Racks
Anyone who enjoys wine knows full well that good wooden wine racks are an essential piece of any collection. Their primary purpose is to ensure you store your bottles in a secure and optimal manner, allowing you to get the most out of the precious beverage. Whether it’s a large wine cellar or a few select vintages, there is a perfect rack for any occasion.
What is more, they can also greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal of any room. A well-placed wine rack will elevate the decor and pair practicality with style. For that reason, it is important to know about all the options you have at your disposal. This text will highlight the different types of wine racks you can choose from and help you make a well-informed decision.
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Stackable Wooden Wine Racks
The ideal way to accommodate a growing collection is to opt for some stackable wooden wine racks. Their design allows you to start off conservatively, perhaps with just a single small rack, and expand as you acquire more vintages. The fact you can keep stacking them allows you to maximize your storage potential and ensures the aesthetic will remain consistent.
Regarding the material, wood serves as both a sturdy base and a design feature. It is very easy to fit into just about any decor and allows you to use the racks for bulk storage or for showcasing the highlights of your collection, depending on where you place them. Finally, these racks allow you to store the bottles on their sides, keeping the cork in constant contact with the wine. This is beneficial for the seal and ensures the wine will stay fresh for longer periods of time.
For a medium-sized wine collection, we like the modular and stackable wooden wine rack from Display Gifts. This is a top choice because of the thickness of the pine they use and the dowels used to connect the racks. The beauty of the stackable wooden wine racks is that they grow as your wine collection grows. We have a rack like this in our office. It took about 10 minutes to unbox the rack and put it together. All of the wood pieces fit nicely together with very little effort. If you want to make this wine rack more secure, add a little wood glue to the holes before you insert the dowels.
Are you starting with a smaller wine collection? We like this 18 bottle stackable wooden wine rack. You can start small and grow with this version. The rack is made from bamboo and is perfect for storage on a table top. Just make sure you keep this out of the kitchen or anywhere in your house were temperatures fluctuate a lot. You also want to keep it out of any direct sun.
If you are in an area that is prone to earthquakes, you should consider attaching your wooden wine racks to the wall and the floor. You may want to consider adding netting to the front of the rack if you have a collection of expensive wines.
Remember that wine is best stored in a cool dry place. A wine cellar or wine refrigerator is optimal. You can learn more about great wine fridge options here.
Pine Wine Racks
For as long as people have been collecting wines, they have been using wine racks made of wood to store them. When you consider the durability of wood and how easy to work with and stable it is, this comes as no surprise. Pine has all of these benefits, with an added bonus that sets it apart from some other types of wood. Namely, pine is generally inexpensive meaning consumers can get quality items without breaking the bank.
Due to the versatility of this wood, pine wine racks come in a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing the buyer to easily pick an option that complements the decor of their home or wine cellar. There are also different types of racks available, making them suitable for varying purposes. We love this 48 bottle pine wine rack with tabletop finish. It's a perfect storage solution for a medium-sized wine collection that you want to display in a living or dining room.
Oak Wine Racks
For ages, artisans have cherished oak wood for its strength, durability, and visually appealing wavy grain. Therefore, it is only natural that oak wine racks have always been a popular choice. By incorporating this wood into their wine display, one gets a traditional look coupled with a sensation of richness and warmth. What is more, staining an oak rack can produce beautiful and distinctive results, adding another layer of aesthetic appeal.
There are different types of oak wine racks to choose from, but they all share one universal trait - toughness. Oak is a resilient hardwood and one can be sure that an oak rack will easily stand up to the rigors of frequent and heavy use. We love this oak wine rack as a starting point when you are building out a wine cellar. Follow this link to see it.
There are also some uniquely beautiful wooden wine racks made from oak. Specifically, these bent oak racks are perfect for both storing wine and as a centerpiece for your living room.
Freestanding Wooden Wine Racks
Completely independent, freestanding wine racks give you the option to easily move them around your home, meaning your interior decoration choices need not be final.
What is more, they come in different sizes, making them suitable for different purposes. Larger ones can hold the majority of your wine collection, while the smaller variants give you a nice way to make a selection of bottles more prominent or easy to reach. Also, some favor practicality while others are rather ornamental and can easily become the centerpiece of any room you place them in.
Display Top Wine Racks
While every connoisseur may have a personal favorite, the simple truth is that not all wine is created equal. There are always brands and vintages which stand out in terms of reputation, price, or rarity. For that reason, some bottles warrant a special place in your collection. And this is where display top wine racks come in.
Designed to allow you to show off your prized pieces label-up and at an angle, these racks create the focal point of a room and captivate the attention of any viewer. Whether it’s the den or the wine cellar, a display top rack will leave no doubt as to the star of the show. Fine wine deserves a special showcase and these racks deliver in style.
These are also the preferred wooden wine rack used in wine shops or wine tasting rooms. If you are looking for professional grade wine racks, you will most likely want a display top wine rack. Wine Racks America is a top supplier of commercial wine racks for retail settings.
Tabletop Wine Racks
While wooden wine racks used to primarily be in the domain of underground cellars, they have long since expanded into areas such as dining and living rooms. Whether it is to cater to people who only have a small collection or to those who want several special bottles close at hand, tabletop wine racks have grown in popularity and established themselves as a sought-after accessory.
In addition to ensuring a supply of wine during meals, these wooden wine racks can also serve as accent pieces. Smaller than most other wine racks, they may lack capacity, but more than makes up for it in elegance and practicality.
Wall-Mounted Wine Racks
If you’re looking for a wine rack that represents a perfect union of form and function, you would do well to consider a wall-mounted model. Not only can they save valuable floor space, but many wall-mounted wine racks also act as wonderful decorations when placed in a room that sees a lot of use.
The wall mounted wine racks do require a bit more setup than floor or tabletop wine racks do. We suggest you contact a professional to install these racks so you don't have to worry about damaging your wall or wine collection. Once they are safely attached to your wall, you will be able to enjoy these racks for years to come.
Final Words
With plenty of different wooden wine racks to choose from, making the right choice isn’t always easy. And at times, it can come down to personal preference, rather than some objective reasons.
Still, knowing the essentials about the different choices you can make is the first step in finding the right wine rack. Once you take a close look at your individual needs and combine that with this information, the way forward will be much clearer. The perfect wine rack is out there and it will be a stepping stone that will allow your entire collection to reach new heights.