The best wine chillers to buy varies based on your needs. There are three main categories of what are generally referred to as wine chillers. We will look at all three categories and give you suggestions on what to buy in each group.
First, let's discuss the best temperature to serve wine. As most of you know, the ideal serving temperature for white wine is lower than what is recommended for red.
Ideal Temperatures For Serving Wine
When you serve lighter body white wines, they should be in a range between 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit. Fuller body white wines should be served slightly warmer. Those should be served between 50-55 degrees. Most refrigerators are set to 40 degrees, so you should allow whites to warm a little before serving.
Red wines should be served at a temperature between 60 and 68 degrees. That's just right around room temperature or slightly cooler.
Which Wine Chillers Are The Best
The answer to this question really depends on where you are and what your goal is. Let's look at a few scenarios and discuss the best wine chillers for the circumstances.
The Le Creuset Wine Cooler Sleeve
First off, let's say you are meeting friends for a picnic and you brought along a chilled bottle of white wine. How are you going to keep the wine cold before you finish it? This situation calls for an easy to transport wine chiller.
This will keep your bottle cool while you enjoy your picnic. You can pre-chill the sleeve before you leave home and keep your bottle in it while you are outside. The sleeve is small and light. It's easy to transport the bottle in the sleeve or put a new bottle in the sleeve.
Click here to see the latest price for this wine chiller.
Tombert Small Portable Wine Cooling Chillers And Insulation Bag
Next, let's assume you are going to an outdoor event and want to bring along multiple bottles of chilled wine? It's not going to be easy to find a wine fridge at the concert venue and lugging a big ice chest doesn't make much sense.
This is another great option for a portable wine chiller. This one is slightly larger and includes a case that makes carrying easier.
Check current prices here
Wine Cool Wine Chiller Stick
Dinner is on the table and you just realized you never stuck that bottle of Sauvignon Blanc in the fridge. What is the best wine chiller in this situation?
This highly-rated rapid wine chiller stick is the perfect solution to a situation where you need to chill white wine on the spot. The pre-chilled rod is inserted into the wine bottle and the wine is channeled through it and out of an aerator/pourer at the top. The wine is rapidly chilled as it passes through on the way to your glass.
Order a chiller stick by clicking here.
RSVP International Grey Marble Cooler
Imagine you are hosting a dinner and want to keep a chilled bottle of white wine at the table for quick access. What is the best wine chiller for that occasion?
Keeping a chilled bottle of white wine tableside relieves from the hassle of going to the fridge during a meal. We feel it's nice to have an attractive chiller option for moments like these. This marble chiller is a great option because offers both a sleek look and a great insulator.
Pick up this great wine chiller by following this link.
Cooper Cooler Rapid Beverage & Wine Chiller
Finally, we consider situations where several bottles need to be chilled rapidly. Let's say you are hosting an event that will be attended by a pack of chardonnay fanatics. You'll want to have lots of nicely chilled wine on hand. A rapid wine chiller is the best solution in this case.
This is the most advanced wine chiller on our list. The Cooper Cooler will bring your bottle of white wine to perfect serving temperature in just six minutes. The device uses a patented technology that sprays cold water onto the bottle as it rotates. This is the best wine chiller for anyone who has a lot of unexpected guests!
You can learn more about this wine chiller by clicking here.
As you can see, the best wine chiller is situation dependant. Some chillers are great for keeping your wine cool on the go, others are great for quickly bringing down the temperatures of wine, and others are meant to keep bottles cold at your table. We hope you can find the right solution for your wine chilling needs.