We want to hear from you! California Winery Advisor is better for everyone when you rate the wineries. Who better to help future travelers than the people who have been there.
We've made it easier to register. You can connect to our site now with your Facebook or Twitter accounts. After you register, find the wineries you like to visit and let us know how they stack up. Simply click on the number of stars for each category. You can leave a detailed review next if you really want to make a statement.
We share your ratings with the winery managers. This will help them improve the wine tasting experience for future visitors (and for you if you are going back!)
Starting now, you may even be rewarded for your ratings. Just rate 4 wineries and we will enter you in our monthly "waive my tasting fees" contest. We will randomly select the winner from all the CWA visitors who leave reviews. Send us a total of the tasting fees from the wineries you rate and we will reimburse you. You can save up to a total of $100! That'll buy you a nice bottle of wine.
We look forward to hearing from you!